================ OpenSlide Python ================ OpenSlide Python is a Python interface to the OpenSlide_ library. OpenSlide is a C library that provides a simple interface for reading whole-slide images, also known as virtual slides, which are high-resolution images used in digital pathology. These images can occupy tens of gigabytes when uncompressed, and so cannot be easily read using standard tools or libraries, which are designed for images that can be comfortably uncompressed into RAM. Whole-slide images are typically multi-resolution; OpenSlide allows reading a small amount of image data at the resolution closest to a desired zoom level. OpenSlide can read virtual slides in several formats: * Aperio_ (``.svs``, ``.tif``) * DICOM_ (``.dcm``) * Hamamatsu_ (``.ndpi``, ``.vms``, ``.vmu``) * Leica_ (``.scn``) * MIRAX_ (``.mrxs``) * Philips_ (``.tiff``) * Sakura_ (``.svslide``) * Trestle_ (``.tif``) * Ventana_ (``.bif``, ``.tif``) * `Generic tiled TIFF`_ (``.tif``) OpenSlide Python is released under the terms of the `GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1`_. .. _OpenSlide: https://openslide.org/ .. _Aperio: https://openslide.org/formats/aperio/ .. _DICOM: https://openslide.org/formats/dicom/ .. _Hamamatsu: https://openslide.org/formats/hamamatsu/ .. _Leica: https://openslide.org/formats/leica/ .. _MIRAX: https://openslide.org/formats/mirax/ .. _Philips: https://openslide.org/formats/philips/ .. _Sakura: https://openslide.org/formats/sakura/ .. _Trestle: https://openslide.org/formats/trestle/ .. _Ventana: https://openslide.org/formats/ventana/ .. _`Generic tiled TIFF`: https://openslide.org/formats/generic-tiff/ .. _`GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1`: https://openslide.org/license/ Installing ========== OpenSlide Python requires OpenSlide_, which must be installed separately. On Linux and macOS, the easiest way to get both components is to install_ with a package manager that packages both, such as Anaconda_, DNF or Apt on Linux systems, or MacPorts_ on macOS systems. You can also install OpenSlide Python with pip_ after installing OpenSlide with a package manager or from source_. Except for pip, do not mix OpenSlide and OpenSlide Python from different package managers (for example, OpenSlide from MacPorts and OpenSlide Python from Anaconda), since you'll get library conflicts. On Windows, download the OpenSlide `Windows binaries`_ and extract them to a known path. Then, import ``openslide`` inside a ``with os.add_dll_directory()`` statement:: # The path can also be read from a config file, etc. OPENSLIDE_PATH = r'c:\path\to\openslide-win64\bin' import os if hasattr(os, 'add_dll_directory'): # Windows with os.add_dll_directory(OPENSLIDE_PATH): import openslide else: import openslide .. _install: https://openslide.org/download/#distribution-packages .. _Anaconda: https://anaconda.org/ .. _MacPorts: https://www.macports.org/ .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/ .. _source: https://openslide.org/download/#source .. _`Windows binaries`: https://openslide.org/download/#windows-binaries Basic usage =========== OpenSlide objects ----------------- .. module:: openslide .. class:: OpenSlide(filename) An open whole-slide image. If any operation on the object fails, :exc:`OpenSlideError` is raised. OpenSlide has latching error semantics: once :exc:`OpenSlideError` is raised, all future operations on the :class:`OpenSlide`, other than :meth:`close()`, will also raise :exc:`OpenSlideError`. :meth:`close()` is called automatically when the object is deleted. The object may be used as a context manager, in which case it will be closed upon exiting the context. :param str filename: the file to open :raises OpenSlideUnsupportedFormatError: if the file is not recognized by OpenSlide :raises OpenSlideError: if the file is recognized but an error occurred .. classmethod:: detect_format(filename) Return a string describing the format vendor of the specified file. This string is also accessible via the :data:`PROPERTY_NAME_VENDOR` property. If the file is not recognized, return :obj:`None`. :param str filename: the file to examine .. attribute:: level_count The number of levels in the slide. Levels are numbered from ``0`` (highest resolution) to ``level_count - 1`` (lowest resolution). .. attribute:: dimensions A ``(width, height)`` tuple for level 0 of the slide. .. attribute:: level_dimensions A list of ``(width, height)`` tuples, one for each level of the slide. ``level_dimensions[k]`` are the dimensions of level ``k``. .. attribute:: level_downsamples A list of downsample factors for each level of the slide. ``level_downsamples[k]`` is the downsample factor of level ``k``. .. attribute:: properties Metadata about the slide, in the form of a :class:`~collections.abc.Mapping` from OpenSlide property name to property value. Property values are always strings. OpenSlide provides some :ref:`standard-properties`, plus additional properties that vary by slide format. .. attribute:: associated_images Images, such as label or macro images, which are associated with this slide. This is a :class:`~collections.abc.Mapping` from image name to RGBA :class:`Image `. Unlike in the C interface, these images are not premultiplied. .. attribute:: color_profile The embedded :ref:`color profile ` for this slide, as a Pillow :class:`~PIL.ImageCms.ImageCmsProfile`, or :obj:`None` if not available. .. method:: read_region(location, level, size) Return an RGBA :class:`Image ` containing the contents of the specified region. Unlike in the C interface, the image data is not premultiplied. :param tuple location: ``(x, y)`` tuple giving the top left pixel in the level 0 reference frame :param int level: the level number :param tuple size: ``(width, height)`` tuple giving the region size .. method:: get_best_level_for_downsample(downsample) Return the best level for displaying the given downsample. :param float downsample: the desired downsample factor .. method:: get_thumbnail(size) Return an :class:`Image ` containing an RGB thumbnail of the slide. :param tuple size: the maximum size of the thumbnail as a ``(width, height)`` tuple .. method:: set_cache(cache) Use the specified :class:`OpenSlideCache` to store recently decoded slide tiles. By default, the :class:`OpenSlide` has a private cache with a default size. :param OpenSlideCache cache: a cache object :raises OpenSlideVersionError: if OpenSlide is older than version 4.0.0 .. method:: close() Close the OpenSlide object. .. _color-management: Color management ---------------- Every slide region, associated image, thumbnail, and Deep Zoom tile produced by OpenSlide Python includes a reference to an ICC color profile whenever a profile is available for the underlying pixel data. Profiles are stored as a :class:`bytes` object in :attr:`Image.info `:attr:`['icc_profile']`. If no profile is available, the :attr:`icc_profile` dictionary key is absent. To include the profile in an image file when saving the image to disk:: image.save(filename, icc_profile=image.info.get('icc_profile')) To perform color conversions using the profile, import it into :mod:`ImageCms `. For example, to synthesize an sRGB profile and use it to transform an image for display, with the default rendering intent of the image's profile:: from io import BytesIO from PIL import ImageCms fromProfile = ImageCms.getOpenProfile(BytesIO(image.info['icc_profile'])) toProfile = ImageCms.createProfile('sRGB') intent = ImageCms.getDefaultIntent(fromProfile) ImageCms.profileToProfile( image, fromProfile, toProfile, intent, 'RGBA', True, 0 ) When converting Deep Zoom tiles, use ``'RGB'`` instead of ``'RGBA'``. All pyramid regions in a slide have the same profile, but each associated image can have its own profile. As a convenience, the former is also available as :attr:`OpenSlide.color_profile`, already parsed into an :class:`~PIL.ImageCms.ImageCmsProfile` object. You can save processing time by building an :class:`~PIL.ImageCms.ImageCmsTransform` for the slide and reusing it for multiple slide regions:: toProfile = ImageCms.createProfile('sRGB') intent = ImageCms.getDefaultIntent(slide.color_profile) transform = ImageCms.buildTransform( slide.color_profile, toProfile, 'RGBA', 'RGBA', intent, 0 ) # for each region image: ImageCms.applyTransform(image, transform, True) Caching ------- .. class:: OpenSlideCache(capacity) An in-memory tile cache. Tile caches can be attached to one or more :class:`OpenSlide` objects with :meth:`OpenSlide.set_cache` to cache recently-decoded tiles. By default, each :class:`OpenSlide` has its own cache with a default size. :param int capacity: the cache capacity in bytes :raises OpenSlideVersionError: if OpenSlide is older than version 4.0.0 .. _standard-properties: Standard properties ------------------- The :mod:`openslide` module provides attributes containing the names of some commonly-used OpenSlide properties. .. data:: PROPERTY_NAME_COMMENT The name of the property containing a slide's comment, if any. .. data:: PROPERTY_NAME_VENDOR The name of the property containing an identification of the vendor. .. data:: PROPERTY_NAME_QUICKHASH1 The name of the property containing the "quickhash-1" sum. .. data:: PROPERTY_NAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR The name of the property containing a slide's background color, if any. It is represented as an RGB hex triplet. .. data:: PROPERTY_NAME_OBJECTIVE_POWER The name of the property containing a slide's objective power, if known. .. data:: PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X The name of the property containing the number of microns per pixel in the X dimension of level 0, if known. .. data:: PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y The name of the property containing the number of microns per pixel in the Y dimension of level 0, if known. .. data:: PROPERTY_NAME_BOUNDS_X The name of the property containing the X coordinate of the rectangle bounding the non-empty region of the slide, if available. .. data:: PROPERTY_NAME_BOUNDS_Y The name of the property containing the Y coordinate of the rectangle bounding the non-empty region of the slide, if available. .. data:: PROPERTY_NAME_BOUNDS_WIDTH The name of the property containing the width of the rectangle bounding the non-empty region of the slide, if available. .. data:: PROPERTY_NAME_BOUNDS_HEIGHT The name of the property containing the height of the rectangle bounding the non-empty region of the slide, if available. Exceptions ---------- .. exception:: OpenSlideError An error produced by the OpenSlide library. Once :exc:`OpenSlideError` has been raised by a particular :class:`OpenSlide`, all future operations on that :class:`OpenSlide` (other than :meth:`close() `) will also raise :exc:`OpenSlideError`. .. exception:: OpenSlideUnsupportedFormatError OpenSlide does not support the requested file. Subclass of :exc:`OpenSlideError`. .. exception:: OpenSlideVersionError This version of OpenSlide does not support the requested functionality. Subclass of :exc:`OpenSlideError`. .. _wrapping-a-pil-image: Wrapping a Pillow Image ======================= .. class:: ImageSlide(file) A wrapper around an :class:`Image ` object that provides an :class:`OpenSlide`-compatible API. :param file: a filename or :class:`Image ` object :raises OSError: if the file cannot be opened .. function:: open_slide(filename) Return an :class:`OpenSlide` for whole-slide images and an :class:`ImageSlide` for other types of images. :param str filename: the file to open :raises OpenSlideError: if the file is recognized by OpenSlide but an error occurred :raises OSError: if the file is not recognized at all Deep Zoom support ================= .. module:: openslide.deepzoom OpenSlide Python provides functionality for generating individual `Deep Zoom`_ tiles from slide objects. This is useful for displaying whole-slide images in a web browser without converting the entire slide to Deep Zoom or a similar format. .. _`Deep Zoom`: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/silverlight/dotnet-windows-silverlight/cc645050(v=vs.95) .. class:: DeepZoomGenerator(osr, tile_size=254, overlap=1, limit_bounds=False) A Deep Zoom generator that wraps an :class:`OpenSlide ` or :class:`ImageSlide ` object. :param osr: the slide object :param int tile_size: the width and height of a single tile. For best viewer performance, ``tile_size + 2 * overlap`` should be a power of two. :param int overlap: the number of extra pixels to add to each interior edge of a tile :param bool limit_bounds: ``True`` to render only the non-empty slide region .. attribute:: level_count The number of Deep Zoom levels in the image. .. attribute:: tile_count The total number of Deep Zoom tiles in the image. .. attribute:: level_tiles A list of ``(tiles_x, tiles_y)`` tuples for each Deep Zoom level. ``level_tiles[k]`` are the tile counts of level ``k``. .. attribute:: level_dimensions A list of ``(pixels_x, pixels_y)`` tuples for each Deep Zoom level. ``level_dimensions[k]`` are the dimensions of level ``k``. .. method:: get_dzi(format) Return a string containing the XML metadata for the Deep Zoom ``.dzi`` file. :param str format: the delivery format of the individual tiles (``png`` or ``jpeg``) .. method:: get_tile(level, address) Return an RGB :class:`Image ` for a tile. :param int level: the Deep Zoom level :param tuple address: the address of the tile within the level as a ``(column, row)`` tuple .. method:: get_tile_coordinates(level, address) Return the :meth:`OpenSlide.read_region() ` arguments corresponding to the specified tile. Most applications should use :meth:`get_tile()` instead. :param int level: the Deep Zoom level :param tuple address: the address of the tile within the level as a ``(column, row)`` tuple .. method:: get_tile_dimensions(level, address) Return a ``(pixels_x, pixels_y)`` tuple for the specified tile. :param int level: the Deep Zoom level :param tuple address: the address of the tile within the level as a ``(column, row)`` tuple Example programs ---------------- Several `Deep Zoom examples`_ are included with OpenSlide Python: deepzoom_server.py_ A basic server for a single slide. It serves a web page with a zoomable slide viewer, a list of slide properties, and the ability to view associated images. deepzoom_multiserver.py_ A basic server for a directory tree of slides. It serves an index page which links to zoomable slide viewers for all slides in the tree. deepzoom_tile.py_ A program to generate and store a complete Deep Zoom directory tree for a slide. It can optionally store an HTML page with a zoomable slide viewer, a list of slide properties, and the ability to view associated images. This program is intended as an example. If you need to generate Deep Zoom trees for production applications, consider `using VIPS`_ instead. .. _`Deep Zoom examples`: https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python/tree/main/examples/deepzoom .. _deepzoom_server.py: https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python/blob/main/examples/deepzoom/deepzoom_server.py .. _deepzoom_multiserver.py: https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python/blob/main/examples/deepzoom/deepzoom_multiserver.py .. _deepzoom_tile.py: https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python/blob/main/examples/deepzoom/deepzoom_tile.py .. _`using VIPS`: https://github.com/openslide/openslide/wiki/OpenSlideAndVIPS