Generic tiled TIFF format

single-file pyramidal tiled TIFF
File extensions
OpenSlide vendor backend


OpenSlide will detect a file as generic TIFF if:

  1. No other detections succeed.
  2. The file is TIFF.
  3. The initial image is tiled.

TIFF Image Directory Organization

The first image in the TIFF file is the full-resolution image. Any other tiled images in the file with the “reduced resolution” bit set are assumed to be reduced-resolution versions of the original.

Starting after OpenSlide 4.0.0, OpenSlide supports generic TIFF files with missing tiles, i.e. tiles with zero bytes of image data. These tiles are rendered as transparent pixels.

ICC Profiles

The slide ICC profile is taken from the ICC Profile tag of the highest-resolution level.

Associated Images


Known Properties

Many TIFF tags are encoded as properties starting with “tiff.”.

Test Data